200 hour Yoga Teacher Training

JAn 25 - may 18, 2025 | in person Training

Join Metta for our second 200-hour Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training with lead trainer, Michele Klink, accompanied by supporting faculty: Carla Herzenberg, Ashley Stachon, and Bex Urban. In this comprehensive teacher training, you will get a broader view and deeper understanding of the many paths of Yoga: Hatha Yoga (path of physical discipline), Jnana Yoga (path of knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (path of spiritual practice and devotion), Tantra Yoga (yoga of subtle energy body), Karma Yoga (path of action and service), Raja Yoga (the Royal Path which encompasses all especially a path of meditation). From this broad base of understanding, you will be encouraged and empowered to explore your desired path(s) of study to deepen your yoga practice while also personalizing your own creative teaching style.  

While the training program touches upon each branch of yoga, including the history of yoga, the curriculum will dive specifically deeper into exploring the many layers of asana, technique, anatomy, pranayama, philosophy and teaching methodologies. Ultimately, you will practice and learn to teach yoga, for all levels of student, blending asana (postures and alignment), pranayama (breath and flow), and dhyana (meditation, focus, devotion). You will learn to confidently, safely, skillfully and authentically sequence and teach an alignment-based vinyasa flow practice with your own personalized, authentic, creative teaching style.

Whether you intend to teach yoga or not, you will:

  • deepen and progress your yoga practice

  • receive personal attention in posture labs

  • learn to live a lifestyle of yoga, both on and off the mat

  • uncover truths about yourself in a safe, supported space

  • heal, transform and grow

  • establish a pranayama and meditation practice

  • develop close intimate like-minded friends

  • discover your authentic voice

  • and more

This is an incredible opportunity for personal growth. Expect to make new and lasting friendships. Anticipate manifesting the things in your life that bring you joy. Get prepared to study, laugh and cry while refining your own yoga practice along with other highly motivated yoga teacher training students. 

You will leave this training a new person, and feeling confident and ready to teach, equipped with a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification recognized by Yoga Alliance. Whether you are taking this training to deepen your own personal knowledge, or to evolve your yoga lifestyl,e or wish to become a teacher, Metta Yoga Teacher Training program is designed just for you. 

Michele Klink, E-RYT 500, YACEP, C-IAYT, has over led teacher trainings for over 13 years. Michele has uniquely developed the Teacher Training curriculum in conjunction with Metta Yoga to reflect the tradition, art and science of the ancient path of Yoga. You will learn why yoga is such a powerful practice and how to inspire others on this path.

What our graduates say about the program

“I wholeheartedly recommend the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training program at Metta Yoga! Studio owners Amy and Temple have created an incredible community around the studio and the teachers and students who are drawn to Metta care deeply about their practice and each other. Our lead teachers not only gave us the education we needed to be excellent teachers, they also modeled for us in their own practices the importance of being authentic as we took the seat of the teacher. As a result, each one of us found something unique in ourselves during training that we are proud to offer and I believe that will make a positive difference in the classes we teach. I truly loved the experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to provide this feedback!” - Tiffany R.

“I would highly recommend Metta Yoga Studio for anyone interested in pursuing a teaching credential. The teachers are are so passionate about yoga and sharing their knowledge.” - Eileen K.

“Great teachers. Professional. Beautiful energy and atmosphere. The training was life changing for me. I will be forever thankful for it.”
- Jacqueline S.

I am beyond grateful to have found Metta and to have gone through their teacher training! The teachers are amazing and my fellow students were so fun and lovely. I felt challenged and supported in the program and I will never forget it. The best yoga community I have ever come across. ❤️” - Susan J.

I loved that so many teachers collaborated on the program. It was such a beautiful reflection of this ancient wisdom. And it really encouraged me to form my own interpretations and my own teaching style. It was also a very warm introduction to this amazing community. Thank you, Metta!” - Allegra A.

testimonials from michele klink’s trainees

“Michele's love for the art of yoga, the teachings, the history, and her students is so abundantly clear - it shines through in every manner of what she does, and the way she conducts herself. She expects a lot, but she cares so deeply - I would much rather prefer an intense 200hr YTT with such an expert vs some other disconnected quick run of the mill program :) “ - Neda N.

“From a scale of 0-10 she scores at least 15!!!! Michele is truly amazing! As a human, as a yogini, and as a teacher! She is extremely knowledgeable, fun, funny, engaging, patient, adaptable to the students' learning styles, truly inspiring, so committed to our success and soooo full of love!!!“- Gaia T.

“One of Michele's strengths is identifying and nurturing the best in everyone. She's receptive to feedback and willing to work with people to meet their specific needs and challenges.” - Serenity B.

”My favorite part of the training was the philosophy sessions with Michele. I also liked that Michele would integrate all that we just learned in her public yoga classes. For example, if we learned about inversions, we did inversions the entire following week in her public classes. I also appreciated the spiritual part of the YTT. I don't think you get as much at other schools. I think it is Michele's personal way of teaching. She was trying to give us as much knowledge as she could and make us fall in love with yoga and also create a community. Which she successfully did” - Yullia G.

“Michele is a gifted and inspiring yoga teacher trainer with many years of experience. She not only has a deep understanding of all aspects of yoga, from philosophy to anatomy… she also encourages everyone who studies with her to challenge themselves and grow their own yoga practice both personally and professionally. She has an ability to guide and support her students on their individual journey while also holding space for the group as they support each other. I highly recommend training with Michele if you are looking for new growth and perspective both on and off the mat!” — Temple S.

"Michele is the teacher of teachers! She has a wealth of knowledge and her ability to share complex topics in a clear and enthusiastic manner makes the experience of being her student joyful and empowering. She is able to see your potential as a teacher and makes it her mission to hold space for you to discover it for yourself. I highly recommend training with Michele if you get the opportunity — you will learn so much about yoga and more importantly, about yourself.” — Fiona O.

“Michele is a treasure among the Marin Yoga community. She always shows up to her classes and trainings with positivity and a depth of knowledge. As someone who got to take a 300hr teacher training with Michele, I appreciated her well rounded understanding of yogic philosophy and mantra, as well as teaching pedagogy and human anatomy. She is excellent at holding space for multiple people all at different phases of their own path of yoga. Anyone who studies under Michele can anticipate that she will first and foremost be respectful and caring to all her students, and secondly that you will be challenged to grow. She offers an excellent mirror to see your own strengths and weaknesses as a teacher and grow into your teaching potential. I'd highly recommend making the investment in yourself and trusting Michele to lead you in your yogic path.” — Peter B.

Michele is just an amazing person in general. She is fun and light and supportive. I appreciated her style and the logical approach to how she did her scheduling and rolled out new topics.” — Fairy Z.

“Michele is a masterful, soulful yoga teacher. 5 stars!" — Katya E.

Read Sarah Walter’s Blog Post about her experience in Metta YTT


Asana: A deep dive into the physical poses of yoga, from foundation and alignment, to sequencing and adjustments. You will do an in-depth study of the key poses, in each category of asana (standing poses, balancing, forward bends, backbends, twists, arm balances and inversions). You will study the physical benefits, indications and contraindications for each pose, break down proper alignment, and understand both the English and Sanskrit names and meanings. You will also practice various breath and meditation techniques to prepare the mind and body for an impactful class experience.

Pranayama and Meditation: Pranayama is breath regulation and life force expansion. Learn the practice of managing and controlling the breath, and expanding prana, which is vital energy, life force. You will learn how and when to use different pranayama techniques when teaching and in your own personal practice. Meditation will be practiced throughout the training building a foundation to support an authentic and deep experience of the yoga practice. You will develop an at-home meditation practice.

Philosophy: Philosophy circles are a highlight of the Teacher Training program. You will participate in reading, chanting and discussing the ancient wisdom of the classic yoga texts of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Bhagavad Gita. You will learn how to apply ancient philosophy into modern day language through group discussion, storytelling, chanting, mantras and meditations.

Anatomy (physical and energetic bodies): The study of the physical (gross) body and its individual parts as well as how it functions as a whole. And also the study of energetic (subtle) body, including the koshas, chakra system, nadis, and vayus. You will learn to apply the principals of anatomy to your teachings and your personal practice, including an understanding of the anatomical benefits and contraindications for each pose and healthy movement patterns.

Teaching Methodologies: Learn how to sequence, structure, and effectively lead a yoga class. You will learn how to give effective demonstrations and to teach with props and encourage modifications for a safe experience for all levels. You will be given opportunity to cultivate and effectively use your authentic voice, and practice various teaching and sequencing techniques.

Additional Specialty Topics: You will be introduced to a variety of topics that may prompt a deeper desire of study. These topics include:  Therapeutic-Oriented Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga Nidra, Kundalini Yoga and Prenatal Yoga.

Ethics: As a yoga teacher, you are living examples of the yoga lifestyle to the students. You have a responsibility to them, to all teachers, and to ourselves to behave with values. You will review proper conduct and ethical guidelines to follow as a Yoga teacher.   

Prenatal Yoga: Learn the anatomical and hormonal changes that take place in the body during pregnancy and how to make modifications to postures to keep your prenatal students safe. You will receive guidance and sequencing so that you can teach a prenatal class with confidence.

Business of Yoga: Learn how to market yourself as a yoga instructor through the use of advertising, social media and personal contact. You will learn how to develop professional skills to retain students and grow classes. Basic business techniques and tips will be emphasized for you to thrive as a yoga teacher!

Teacher Training Schedule

January 25 - May 18th, 2025

We will meet over 10 weekends (2 weekends per month) with the following weekend hours:
Friday nights from 4:00-9:00 pm (@Sausalito-Cloudbreak)
Saturday + Sunday 11am-6:00 pm (@SanRafael)

Full schedule will be shared soon! In the meantime, email hello@mettayogastudio.com with any questions or expressions of interest regarding the schedule.

There will be additional hours of individualized content, including assignments and online material.

Up to 20 hours of training (~1 weekend) can be made up with a mix of paid private sessions and self-study.

Lead Teacher

metta yoga faculty



Deposit of $700 required to secure your spot.

$300 early bird discount for payment in full (second link below) on or before 10/31/2025. Use code YTTEARLY300 at checkout.

$100 additional check discount.

Email hello@mettayogastudio.com
with interest and questions, to enroll with a cash or check payment, or to set up a payment plan after deposit has been paid.