Exploring Your Intentions: Yoga Nidra and Writing Circle
Join TiNille Petersen for a afternoon of reclaiming your creative spark and imagination through rest, writing, and community. You will be led through a gentle restorative yoga practice and a guided yoga nidra (Yogic Sleep), then given a writing prompt to integrate your insights and experience. January is the perfect time to reconsider our hearts’ desire and the intentions we would like to incorporate into the new year. We will explore many words and phrases that best describe our work in this world and then write to make the message clear, to ourselves, our communities and most importantly, our hearts. The circle is a sacred space of sharing and witnessing each other in our creative endeavors and dreams for our lives. Come and experience the magic of yoga, rest and writing.
Bring a mat, warm clothes and any additional props you might want or need to be comfortable lying on the floor for 20-30 minutes. We have blankets and bolsters for your use and mats to rent if needed. You will leave feeling rested and and fully recharged!
Price: $40
STEP 1) Purchase credit called ‘Return to Love: iRest Yoga Nidra’
STEP 2) Sign up for the event via the class schedule (don’t forget this step!)